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App design
Spring 2022

Creatiai is an application that enables users to store, enhance, and showcase their travel experiences, even converting them into a novel virtual reality environment.
It focuses on turning the travel experience into a new VR space.
Utilizing artificial intelligence technology, the application requires users to engage collaboratively with the AI.

Task1: Create a new travel memory VR fancy movement space as the inspiration for his music creating and name it.


Task2: Add music to the new fancy space & Sharing the fancy space to Moments.


Task3: View Jasper’s space in VR device.


Marketing Research

The VR market was valued at $6.1 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow to $20.9 billion by 2025. VR travel and gaming markets are projected to grow at a CAGR of 33.2% and 30.2%, respectively, from 2020 to 2027. Most people have a positive view of VR, with gaming and entertainment being the most popular use cases, followed by education and training.

72% of people use AI-powered personal assistance, with convenience and efficiency being the main reasons for satisfaction. Personalized entertainment recommendations are becoming more popular. 36% of consumers use AI-powered recommendations, with 51% reporting high satisfaction, according to Deloitte. Research shows people generally have a positive attitude towards AI and rely on it for various purposes.

User Research

Why this is Unique and Beneficial

Project difficulty

Through user research, and collecting user needs and preferences, I learned how they use the travel app and what they think about the VR experience. 

Target Audience:

Age: 18 - 38

Location: Bay area, CA

Income / Buying power:  30K - 80K

Languages: English

Stage of life: Young people, Busy,  Love go to travel

Interests: Travel & Creating

Would you like to preserve the feeling of your travels?


How do you express the emotions you feel about a place?


Do you feel compelled to recreate and redesign a place you've visited on your own?


Can virtual reality alter the way we recall and encounter travel experiences?

  1. Keep travel memories and feelings fresh

  2. Relax in your own Vr space

  3. Get inspirations

  4. Commemorate relatives and pets

One-sentence statement: The audience can make their own space to keep memories and feelings lively.

​I was designing this app in the spring of 2022. With the development of AI technology, I found that the implementation of this project requires me to have a deeper understanding of AI technology.

What I'm currently unable to achieve ( by myself ):Use VR experience technology to create realistic virtual reality scenes and let users access these scenes through applications.


Questions That Need Additional Thought:  When designing VR spaces, is it necessary to ensure that the interface and user experience meet the standards of the real-world environment? I personally cannot provide an intuitive way for users to explore these spaces and make them feel like they are in a real tourist scene. I also need to consider user feedback on the VR experience in order to continuously improve and optimize the design of VR spaces.



User flows


User Testing      Before & After

截屏2023-05-14 下午10.26.59.png
截屏2023-05-14 下午10.40.46.png

How it works

Task1: Create a new travel memory VR fancy movement space as the inspiration for his music creating and name it.


Task2: Add music to the new fancy space & Sharing the fancy space to Moments.

Task3: View Jasper’s space in VR device.

My objective was to develop a travel app utilizing VR and AI to present individualized travel experiences. I researched user needs, addressed project challenges, and optimized the UX process and UI design accordingly. Despite a lack of genuine VR and AI technical support, I tested and refined the app based on user feedback.


© 2023 by Jingying Liang

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